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  1. And when Peter heard this of the lad, he was strengthened yet more in soul by the help of the Lord; and Peter said unto the people: Ye men of Rome, it is thus that the dead are raised up, thus do they converse, thus do they arise and walk, and live so long time as God willeth.

  2. The Acts of Peter is one of the earliest of the apocryphal Acts of the Apostles in Christianity, dating to the late 2nd century AD. The majority of the text has survived only in the Latin translation of the Codex Vercellensis, under the title Actus Petri cum Simone ("Act of Peter with Simon").

  3. 27 mar 2003 · Like the other Apocryphal Acts of the Apostles - stories of the exploits of the key figures of early Christianity - the Acts of Peter provides a window into the processes of oral and written composition that shaped early Christian narrative.

  4. Consider how the argument of our text develops. First, we read about how God used Peter to heal Aeneas (Acts 9:32-35), and there is the account of the raising of Dorcas, who had died (Acts 9:35-43). In these two accounts, we see Peter performing miracles that remind us of miracles Jesus had performed.

  5. Although the character of Peter does significantly develop from Luke’s Gospel to Acts, thereby highlighting the transformative power of the gospel, Peter remains a largely static character within the book of Acts itself.

  6. The Acts of Peter (hereafter Acts Pet .) contains an account of the destruction of an imperial statue by an exorcised demon, a statue that is subsequently miraculously restored by its owner Marcellus with the help of prayer and the apostle Peter.

  7. Acts 4 is a testament to the boldness that comes from faith in Christ. Peter and John, ordinary men transformed by their encounter with Jesus, stand firm against powerful authorities, unafraid to proclaim the truth of the Gospel.