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  1. Acquired aplastic anemia is a T-cell mediated autoimmune disease, in which regulatory T cells are decreased and T-bet, a transcription factor and key regulator of Th1 development and function, is upregulated in affected T-cells.

  2. › wiki › AnemiaAnemia - Wikipedia

    Anemia shprehet edhe me zvogëlimin e hematokriteve në gjak. Anemia, pa marrë parasysh patogjenezën e saj, është e kushtëzuar gjithnjë me çrregullimet e barazpeshës ndërmjet madhësisë së krijimit të eritrociteve në hemoglobinë në palcën ashtrore si dhe shpërndarjes së tyre në gjakun e njeriut.

  3. 22 cze 2022 · Anemia aplastike idiopatike është një lloj anemie në të cilën palca e eshtrave ndalon së prodhuari qeliza të reja gjaku. Kjo mund të shkaktojë komplikime të mëdha shëndetësore. Njerëzt me anemi nuk kanë funksionimin e mjaftueshëm të qelizave të kuqe të gjakut (RBCs).

  4. 16 mar 2017 · Acquired severe aplastic anemia (SAA) is a rare hematologic disease associated with significant morbidity and mortality. Immune destruction of hemopoietic stem cells plays an important role in pathogenesis, as shown by successful treatment with immunosuppressive agents, leading to transfusion independence or complete recovery of peripheral ...

  5. Idiopathic acquired aplastic anemia (aAA) is a rare, life threatening bone marrow failure syndrome characterized by cytopenias and a hypocellular bone marrow. Aplastic anemia (AA) is classified as either inherited or acquired.

  6. Niedokrwistość aplastyczna, aplazja szpiku, anemia aplastyczna, AA (łac. anaemia aplastica) – stan niewydolności szpiku kostnego, wskutek jego hipoplazji lub aplazji, prowadzący do pancytopenii, czyli obniżenia liczby wszystkich rodzajów komórek krwi (erytrocytów, leukocytów i trombocytów).

  7. 8 cze 2022 · Aplastic anemia (AA) is a life-threatening form of bone marrow failure which, if untreated, is associated with very high mortality. AA refers to pancytopenia in association with bone marrow hypoplasia/aplasia, most often due to immune injury to multipotent hematopoietic stem cells.

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