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When you sing a minor scale (or one of the other diatonic modes), you change some of the degrees. For example, the natural minor scale (occasionally known as the Aeolian mode) is do-re- me -fa-sol- le - te -do. Me, le, te rhyme with re and represent the minor third, sixth, and seventh scale degrees.
Google translated it to 'bye to you' although I don't know how accurate that is. It’s a really good song. it could mean the word conquered or just the notes do mi ti.
Solmization is a mnemonic system in which a distinct syllable is attributed to each note of a musical scale. Various forms of solmization are in use and have been used throughout the world, but solfège is the most common convention in countries of Western culture.
It helps musicians practicing Western Vocals to visually understand and confirm the notes they are producing and whether they are in alignment with the Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti Do scale. This is a valuable tool for vocalists to improve their pitch accuracy and musical training.
If you can sing Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti Do up the major scale, you have the talent required to master Solfege, a skill that will take your musicianship to a whole new level… The Solfege system works like this: The note that acts as the tonal center is named Do , always.
Using sharps - Do, Di, Re, Ri, Mi, Fa, Fi, Sol, Si, La, Li, Ti, Do. Using flats - Do, Ra, Re, Me, Mi, Fa, Se, Sol, Le, La, Te, Ti, Do. This is one common system, but there are others, and in practice fixed do does not use accidentals for singing.