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  1. 21 lut 2014 · Try something like this instead: If IsNull(Me.BU_Selected_Add) Then ' No business unit . MsgBox "Please Select a Business Unit!", vbOKOnly ' Tell user . Me.Combo_BU_Selector.SetFocus ' Focus the control. Exit Sub ' Exit the method.

  2. 3 lut 2015 · I corrected the issues with brackets and closing parentheses, and still end up getting my error message like I was getting before (#Num!). Here's the updated formula: =IIf(IsError([txt#Action1s]/[txt#Action2s]*100),"",[txt#Action1s]/[txt#Action2s]*100)

  3. A simple VBA function to determine whether or not a form exists within the current Microsoft Access database.

  4. 2 sty 2013 · I am trying to set a field rule in an Access 2007 form. The scenario is: If the value in field1 is "Other", then the value in field2 is required. If the value in field1 is NOT "Other" then the value in field2 must be blank.

  5. 11 sie 2024 · Is It Possible to Use the IsError Function with the VLookup in One Statement in Excel VBA? Yes. Mind the example below: This code is used in the following dataset. The VLookup function searches for the lookup value in A1:B10. If an error occurs, the VLookup function will return TRUE, and an error message box will be displayed.

  6. 7 lut 2022 · To determine the descriptive string associated with an Access error, an ADO error, or a DAO error that hasn't actually occurred, use the AccessError method. Error event. Use the Error event to trap errors that occur on an Access form or report. For example, if a user tries to enter text in a field whose data type is Date/Time, the Error event ...

  7. 29 mar 2022 · If an error occurs while an error handler is active (between the occurrence of the error and a Resume, Exit Sub, Exit Function, or Exit Property statement), the current procedure's error handler can't handle the error. Control returns to the calling procedure.

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