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Making R1 the attack button frees all four face buttons and allows you to combine commands more fluidly. It's particularly useful when you need to defend or dodge immediately in the middle of a combo, so maybe this game will aim for a more reactive playstyle on higher difficulties.
Check out our non-spoiler review of the full game, played on the PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4 and PC. UNFORTUNATELY, we were unable to review the Xbox version because no one in the team owns...
Abyssal Chronicles. Rules and Regulations. The Main Site. Introductions and Farewells. AC Contests! Comments and Suggestions. Help. Wings of an Angel Manga Scanlations. Manga Discussion. Applications and Project Requests. Tales of Series. Tales of Phantasia. Tales of Destiny. ToD: Director's Cut.
It's finally time! Check out our own review of the full game of Tales of Arise! As much as possible, we tried to avoid spoilers in the review! Check out...
Abyssal Chronicles. Tales of the Abyss. 3D version worth getting? Abyssal Chronicles. Rules and Regulations. The Main Site. Introductions and Farewells. AC Contests! Comments and Suggestions. Help. Wings of an Angel Manga Scanlations. Manga Discussion. Applications and Project Requests.
Abyssal Chronicles. Rules and Regulations. The Main Site. Introductions and Farewells. AC Contests! Comments and Suggestions. Help. Wings of an Angel Manga Scanlations. Manga Discussion. Applications and Project Requests. Tales of Series. Tales of Phantasia. Tales of Destiny. ToD: Director's Cut.
With the way the new producer talked about Steam sales and multiplatform releases, they might be targeting a global release for this one. That'd be cool. I think we'll find out as soon as Tales Fest tells us what their release window is.