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C1 Street Suffix Abbreviations. The following table lists examples of suffix forms that are primary street suffix names, common street suffixes or suffix abbreviations, and recommended official Postal Service standard suffix abbreviations.
- C2 Secondary Unit Designators
211 Standardized Delivery Address Line and Last Line; 212...
- C2 Secondary Unit Designators
25 cze 2020 · Postal abbreviations for streets and street types range from the common “street” to the more obscure “dale.” This USPS street suffix abbreviations list includes shorthand you might see on street signs and mail.
In general, the logical order for Australian addresses is: Name of organisation, Sub-unit and/or Level, Street Number, Street Name, Street Type or Postal Delivery Type, Postal Delivery Number (usually Address Lines 1 and 2) followed by Locality/Suburb, State and Postcode.
Address Line 1 is typically used for the main address, such as the street name and house number, while Address Line 2 can be used for additional information such as apartment numbers, suite numbers, or other details that can help in identifying the exact location of the address.
26 cze 2024 · When it comes to abbreviating “street” in an address, there are a few guidelines to follow. If you are using a numbered location, you can use the abbreviations “Ave.,” “Blvd.,” and “St.” For example, you could write the address as “2210 Wilbur Ave.”
Here’s a list of common address abbreviations, their meanings, and examples: Ln. 1213 Oak Ln. Sq. 1819 Walnut Sq. NE. SE. SW. NW. Not all abbreviations are appropriate in all contexts. Use these abbreviations primarily in informal settings or when space is limited. When in doubt, spell out the entire word for clarity.
This document provides abbreviations used by the United States Postal Service for street suffixes and secondary unit designators. It contains two tables, one listing common street suffix names and their abbreviations, and another for secondary address components and their abbreviations.