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A3 Problem solving is a structured and systematic approach to problem-solving that originated with the lean manufacturing methodology. It visualizes the problem-solving process using a one-page document known as an A3 report.
This A3 template uses a four stages model that is based on the PDCA management philosophy. It makes the problem-solving progress visible to the entire team while allowing the lessons to be learned by others. This template is a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet that you can use and modify to meet your specific requirements.
Raport A3 to podobne narzędzie do 8D bazujące na prostej zasadzie PDCA. Poniżej znajdziecie opis raportu wraz z narzędziami, informacje o tym jak skutecznie przeprowadzić raport A3, jakie są najczęstsze błędy raportu oraz darmowy wzór w formie Excel i PDF.
The Lean Lexicon, Fifth Edition defines the “A3 Report” as “a Toyota-pioneered practice of getting the problem, the analysis, the corrective actions, and the action plan summarized on a single sheet of large (A3) paper, often using graphics.
¾ The PDCA cycle can be an effective and rapid method for implementing continuous improvement. ¾ Each step: Plan, Do, Check, and Act are critical for consistent
The purpose of the A3 plan is to clearly indicate how you want to develop yourself professionally over your next development period (eg the next twelve months) and describes the practice, learning and communication activities you aim to undertake to achieve your development goals. © LCS 2021 3
An A3 is a one-page report prepared on a single 11 x 17 sheet of paper that adheres to the discipline of PDCA thinking as applied to collaborative problem solving, strategy development or reporting. The A3 includes the background, problem statement, analysis, proposed actions, and the expected results.