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For existing relationships, the Five of Wands indicates that this person feels there are conflicts that need to be solved in your relationship. They love you, and they are not willing to walk away. They want to fight for your relationship.
As Feelings If you ask how someone feels for you, the Five of Wands can indicate that the person in question feels torn about what they feel for you. There might be things they like about you, but at the same time something just doesn't feel right to them.
I tend to relate the 5 of wands to that kind of situation that, even though it's not easy (it could be because of many reasons: different temperaments, other people involved, different values, difficult situation,...), some how it makes you vibrate, it excites you, makes you feel alive, and you do not want to let it go.
The Five of Wands reminds us that we have a choice in how we communicate with others. We can either be honest and compassionate, or we can be avoidant and passive aggressive. We decide how we react to a situation.
The Five of Wands reminds us that we have a choice in how we communicate with others. We can either be honest and compassionate, or we can be avoidant and passive aggressive. We decide how we react to a situation.
Learn the Suit of Wands Tarot card meanings! Short and simple explanation for each of the cards. Discover the meanings in a love reading!
31 gru 2023 · 5 of Wands as feelings indicates that you will face many obstacles and that you feel hopeless and tired. Since you know what’s coming, don’t allow yourself to feel powerless in those situations. As soon as you feel negative energy and weakness, reject them. Reject them and fill yourself with optimism and hope. Tell yourself that you’ve got this.