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4-H Club – dobrowolna, niezależna organizacja edukacyjna przeznaczona dla dzieci i młodzieży, kładąca szczególny nacisk na rozwój umiejętności życiowych, zainteresowań i podniesienie poziomu wiedzy.
The 4-H program is delivered by professionals and volunteers through school and community clubs, in-school and after-school programs and 4-H camps. 4-H programs are designed to enable youth to “Learn To Do By Doing” and "To Make the Best Better".
Clubs provide service and support to their local and state 4-H programs, such as serving as judges and conducting training workshops. They are also a service and social group for campus students. The first collegiate 4-H club started in 1916 on the Oklahoma State University - Stillwater campus.
A 4-H Club is an organized group of at least five youth from three different families who meet regularly with adult volunteers or staff for a long-term, progressive series of educational experiences.
4-H programs actively involve youth in quality experiences that focus on lifelong learning of values and skills. 4-H clubs encourage youth, ages 5 to 19, to learn by doing. There are a variety of 4-H clubs and groups that young people can join.
1 dzień temu · Cuộc thi viết và ảnh "Công tác xã hội trong trái tim tôi" do Báo Thanh Niên và Trung tâm công tác xã hội thanh thiếu niên Việt Nam phối hợp tổ chức, được phát động từ ngày 10/4 đến ngày 31/8.Ban tổ chức cuộc thi đã nhận được hơn 210 tác phẩm dự thi của hơn 130 tác giả trên cả nước tham gia.
The purpose of a 4-H club is to provide positive youth development opportunities to meet the needs of young people to experience belonging, mastery, independence, and generosity the Essential Elements and to foster educational opportunities tied to the La nd Grant University (Virginia Tech and Virginia State University) knowledge base.