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  1. 4-H Club – dobrowolna, niezależna organizacja edukacyjna przeznaczona dla dzieci i młodzieży, kładąca szczególny nacisk na rozwój umiejętności życiowych, zainteresowań i podniesienie poziomu wiedzy. Nazwa pochodzi od pierwszych liter słów w języku angielskim: Head – głowa, Heart – serce, Hands – ręce i Health – zdrowie.

  2. 4-H is a positive youth development organization (5 to 19 years old) that empowers youth to reach their full potential. 4-H enables youth to emerge as leaders, giving back to their local communities, through hands-on learning, research-based 4-H youth programs and adult mentorship.

  3. Tại các trung tâm cộng đồng, lớp học và thậm chí cả trên xe buýt, Apple đang hỗ trợ 4-H trong việc giới thiệu và tích hợp công nghệ vào chương trình của tổ chức.

  4. 4-H is a positive youth development movement based on skill building activities and meaningful leadership roles supported by caring adult volunteers. The most common question we get is, “What do the 4 ‘H’s stand for?”

  5. 4-H programs actively involve youth in quality experiences that focus on lifelong learning of values and skills. 4-H clubs encourage youth, ages 5 to 19, to learn by doing. There are a variety of 4-H clubs and groups that young people can join.

  6. Louisiana 4-H is the largest youth development program with clubs and groups in all sixty-four parishes. From food, fitness, and fashion to computers, cows, and camping, there's a 4-H activity for everyone. Find your local 4-H program and start making friends and learning new skills.

  7. Tham gia cộng đồng 4H để được trải nghiệm học tập có chủ đích, thúc đẩy tương tác hiệu quả, chuyển hóa các kỹ năng sống thành bản năng của thế hệ thanh thiếu niên Việt nam tích cực.

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