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  1. 4-H Club – dobrowolna, niezależna organizacja edukacyjna przeznaczona dla dzieci i młodzieży, kładąca szczególny nacisk na rozwój umiejętności życiowych, zainteresowań i podniesienie poziomu wiedzy.

  2. Piosenkę klubu 4-H – przyjemnie śpiewać Ci. Ci się lŜej , I nawet Ŝyje Ci się lŜej , . gdy taką- taką piosenkę znasz.

  3. 4-H Club Program: A 4-H club is a group of youth (5-18) with similar interests who meet to learn a new skill in a 4-H project area and have fun. They can be neighbors, friends and even family members.

  4. › wiki › 4-H4-H - Wikipedia

    Clubs provide service and support to their local and state 4-H programs, such as serving as judges and conducting training workshops. They are also a service and social group for campus students. The first collegiate 4-H club started in 1916 on the Oklahoma State University - Stillwater campus.

  5. The 4-H Club is one of an organization of clubs for youth aged 10 to 21 who engage in programs of “learning by doing.” The clubs are found principally in the United States and Canada, though some 80 other nations have adopted the idea.

  6. 4-H 101 is designed to be a general overview and resource guide for youth development staff or volunteers who are starting new 4-H clubs or working with existing clubs.

  7. 4-H is a positive youth development movement based on skill building activities and meaningful leadership roles supported by caring adult volunteers. The most common question we get is, “What do the 4 ‘H’s stand for?”

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