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4-H Club – dobrowolna, niezależna organizacja edukacyjna przeznaczona dla dzieci i młodzieży, kładąca szczególny nacisk na rozwój umiejętności życiowych, zainteresowań i podniesienie poziomu wiedzy.
Find 4‑H Near You: Select your state and county below. See What 4‑H Has to Offer: View your local 4‑H website or contact your local county Extension office for more details on programs and clubs in your area or volunteer information.
Texas 4-H is a club for kids and teens ages 8-18 in grades 3-12. As the largest youth development program in Texas, reaching more than 550,000 youth each year, no matter where you live or what you like to do, Texas 4-H has something that lets you be a better you!
4-H's online learning platform helps kids become more confident, resilient and independent. With 300+ interactive online activities available, CLOVER offers a wide range of activities and courses across Agriculture, STEM, Healthy Living, and Civic Engagement. Join CLOVER today and help your kids reach their full potential.
Learn more about the Texas 4-H Youth Development program and take your first step in a life-changing experience. Learn responsibility with animals, how to care for a garden, and much more. Be a star with the sewing machine or in the kitchen, and guide your family in wise consumer choices.
Once you find a club you’d like to join, reach out. Contact the club to learn about its meeting schedule and its eligibility requirements. Depending on the club, you may need to call, email, or even show up in person during a meeting to start join and pay club fees where applicable.
In 4-H clubs, they serve as officers and learn to conduct meetings, handle club funds, and facilitate group decision-making. In a growing number of communities, 4-H youth serve as youth representatives in municipal or county government or as members of Teen Courts.