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  1. Free 3rd grade multiplication worksheets including the meaning of multiplication, multiplication facts and tables, multiplying by whole tens and hundreds, missing factor problems, and multiplication in columns, No login required.

  2. Printable worksheets for practicing Basic Multiplication Facts. Includes timed tests, mystery pictures, class games, and more!

  3. Students will practice their multiplication facts with the numbers 3 and 4 with this puzzle activity. Multiply by 3s to fill in all the bubbles on the multiplication caterpillar. Create an origami cootie catcher (aka "fortune teller"). Kids can use it to learn and review basic facts. Print these flash cards on card stock.

  4. Learn the multiplication tables in an interactive way with the free math multiplication learning games for 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th grade. The game element in the times tables games make it even more fun learn.

  5. practice their multiplication facts for the 2 3 4 5 and 10 Times Tables; test their times table knowledge. All the free Math Times Table sheets in this section support the Elementary Math Benchmarks.

  6. › worksheets › multiplication-two-minute-testsTwo Minute Multiplication Worksheets

    These two minute timed multiplication worksheets will get kids ready for Mad Minute or RocketMath multiplication fact practice in third or fourth grade. Quick and free printable PDFs with answer keys!

  7. We have a handy collection of multiplication printables tailored specifically for grade 3 and grdae 4 students. Whether you are a parent, teacher, or homeschool family – these no-prep pages make practicing simple, effective, and fun!