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This page contains construction details on a 2 metre 144MHz VHF Yagi beam antenna, designed for portable use. Since an old 5 element version (v1) of my antenna was shown in the July 2011 edition of RadCom, a few people have contacted me asking for some information on how it was constructed.
- Homemade Carolina Windom Antenna
Homebrew. Antennas. 70MHz Quarter Wave Ground Plane Antenna;...
- Simple CW Touch Keyer Circuits
Homebrew. Antennas. 70MHz Quarter Wave Ground Plane Antenna;...
- Homemade Carolina Windom Antenna
Take a look at these homebrew portable antenna projects for 2 meters band, you can build at home. Rate this resource it received 10 votes for a total score of 5.60/10
27 cze 2022 · Homepage for homebrew DK7ZB- Yagi -Antennas. Antenna-Homepage DK7ZB. DK7ZB. Martin Steyer, Die Aue 2, D-37269 ... Member of GDXF (25), UKSMG (1055), AGCW (3513) This homepage is dedicated to the homebrewing of equipment, especially for building HF- and VHF-Yagi-antennas. Commercial use of these designs only with the permission of the author! ...
Two-band and three-band Yagis are readily available for the HF bands, so why not for the 2-m and the 70-cm bands. When most amateurs think of a dual-band Yagi, they envision something like the version shown on the left in Fig. 1. The elements are interlaced, and the beam uses either a single driver element or two elements closely coupled.
2 meter ssb yagi plans for sideband fun This 6 element beam was designed using the free Yagi Antenna Design program by WA7RAI called Quick Yagi (QY4)
While you have the parts for a larger Yagi, you indicate you want to use it for satellite communication, which will require it to be handheld as you track the satellite. This is a great starter antenna that can be handheld without being too unwieldy, and while it has modest gain it should be enough for you to accomplish both your goals with ...
Probably the easiest rotatable beam is a 2 Element Yagi, both in the mechanical and the electrical sense. While the gain won't be "up there" with the big tri-banders & the like, a useful amount of gain can be realized without breaking the bank. Below is a "sketch" of a 2 Element Yagi. Gain is about 5dBd.