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  1. 18 sie 2015 · As I prepare for my fourth year of tutoring, I will again be using these Latin Noun Declensions and Noun Cases flash cards that I created for Cycle 1. I thought it would be helpful to put all of them together in one post: Latin Noun Cases. Latin First Declension Packet. Latin Second Declension Packet. Latin Third Declension Packet

  2. Image Bank Week 1: view/download: LE_Language_Q1_Week2_v.2: view/download: LAS_Language1_Q1_Week5: view/download: ... Grade 1 Quarter 1_READING AND LITERATURE. LESSON EXEMPLAR LINK WORKSHEET LINK; LE_G1_Q1_Week 1_Read and Lit: ... Q2_WS_PE and Health 4_Lesson 3_Week 5-6: view/download: Q2_LE_PE and Health 4_Lesson 4_Week 7-8: view/download:

  3. 28 mar 2013 · The Latin 5th Declension Packet is ready! You can download it here: Latin Fifth Declension Packet. Also, if you’ve missed my past posts with the other 4 declension packets, here they are: First Declension, Second Declension, Third Declension, and Fourth Declension.

  4. 28 sie 2024 · Here's the Quarter 1 Week 6 Learning Activity Sheets (LAS) / Worksheets SY 2024 - 2025. Boost student engagement and creativity with Learning Activity Sheets (LAS) designed to enhance learning through multiple representations.

  5. 13 wrz 2024 · Here’s an update on 1st Quarter Grade 1 Lesson Exemplars (LE) and Learning Activity Sheets (LAS). Lesson exemplars are examples of high-quality work that show what is expected. They provide immediate feedback which is often missing from traditional assessments.

  6. The weekly guides provides a summary of the lesson, helpful documents and other helpful resources. All my weekly guides have been published for the 1st semester. Yea! If you have any questions or need any additional assistance, feel free to email me at

  7. 11 paź 2022 · This page contains the direct link to the compiled copies of Daily Lesson Logs (DLLs) from Week 1 to 8 of Quarter 1 (SY 2022-2023) These DLLs are based on the Most Essential Learning Competencies set by the Department of Education.

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