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  1. The SAS Regimental Association is the only official organisation that represents the Special Air Service Regiment and its affiliated Units and incorporates its Benevolent Fund. The Units represented are shown on this site.

  2. By this time the need for a regular army SAS regiment had been recognised; the 22 SAS Regiment was formally added to the army list in 1952 and has been based at Hereford since 1960. [8]

  3. 22nd SAS Regiment - offensive and assault operations, anti-revolutionary and anti-terrorist action, some of the security operation. Nominally, SAS is headquartered in Stirling Lines (named after the founder David Stirling units) in Hereford, England. [6]

  4. 4 kwi 2005 · COMMANDING OFFICERS, 22ND SPECIAL AIR SERVICE REGIMENT All CO profiles courtesy of Mr. Ryan Wulfsohn Lieutenant Colonel Michael Calvert, DSO, Royal Engineers, 1950-51 Lieutenant Colonel John Sloane, OBE, The Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders, 1951-53 Lieutenant Colonel Oliver Brooke, DSO, MBE, The Welch Regiment, 1953-54

  5. C Sqn 22 SAS (Durban): AGM: 1st November 2024. Memorial Service: 2nd November 2024. 22 SAS (Hereford): AGM: 9th November 2024. Memorial Service: 10th November 2024. More info

  6. 22nd Special Air Service Regiment. Special Forces Roll Of Honour. Special Forces Roll Of Honour. Home. Categories. ... 1952 22 SAS formed by absorption of Malaya Scouts into Regular Army A Squadron formed Malaya 1950 1 (Boat)Troop 2 (Air)Troop 3 (Mobility)Troop 4 (Mountain)Troop ... Living with the SAS: Married to the SAS. By Jenny Simpson Born ...

  7. Stirling Lines is a British Army garrison in Credenhill, Herefordshire; the headquarters of the 22 Special Air Service Regiment (22 SAS), Special Reconnaissance Regiment (SRR) and 18 (UKSF) Signal Regiment.

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