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  1. Map of New Amsterdam Vingboons, Johannes / Courtelyou, Jacques Vingboons based this map of New Amsterdam on the work of the resident surveyor Jacques Cortelyou, who in 1660 was tasked by the city government to map the city.

  2. 14 mar 2017 · In 1664 the English took over New Amsterdam and renamed it New York City after the Duke of York. After the Second Anglo-Dutch War of 1665–1667, England and the Netherlands admitted to the Treaty of Breda’s status quo.

  3. The Castello Plan is a map of New Amsterdam created by surveyor Jacques Cortelyou in 1660. It provides a detailed view of the layout and land use in New Amsterdam, including Fort Amsterdam, streets, homes and businesses, the canal, and the wall along the northern edge of the city that was built to keep the British out.

  4. 8 sty 2015 · This vintage map is the Castello Plan, one of the earliest known city maps of New Amsterdam. The City at that time ended with a long wall which is the namesake for the modern Wall Street.…

  5. The Castello Plan – officially entitled Afbeeldinge van de Stadt Amsterdam in Nieuw Neederlandt (Dutch, "Picture of the City of Amsterdam in New Netherland") – is an early city map of what is now the Financial District of Lower Manhattan from an original of 1660.

  6. 5 mar 2014 · Image taken from Plan of New York or New Amsterdam (as in Sep' 1661), also Long Island, Hudson River. Originally published/produced in 1664. Held and digitised by the British Library, and uploaded to Flickr Commons .

  7. The Castello Plan, a 1660 map of New Amsterdam (the top right corner is roughly north). The fort gave The Battery (in present-day Manhattan) its name, the large street going from the fort past the wall became Broadway, and the city wall (right) gave Wall Street its name.

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