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  1. As of the awarding of the 2023 prize, 55 Prizes in Economic Sciences have been given to 93 individuals. [5] As of October 2023, the department of economics with the most affiliated laureates in economic sciences is the University of Chicago, [6] [7] with 16 affiliated laureates.

  2. The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel has been awarded 56 times to 96 laureates between 1969 and 2024. Click on the links to get more information. “for having advanced our understanding of women’s labour market outcomes” “for their methodological contributions to the analysis of causal relationships”

  3. Erudite, accessible and lucidly written, this book provides a stimulating introduction to the careers and main published works of the Nobel Memorial Laureates in Economics. It will prove to be an invaluable reference book on key figures in economics and their path-breaking insights.

  4. UBS Nobel Perspectives explores key economic topics shaping our world. Find out more about Nobel Laureates in Economics through their groundbreaking ideas and personal stories.

  5. The Institute of Economic Affairs has been privileged to work with many of the world’s top economists and has published papers, books and articles by twelve Nobel prize winners. In 2009, the IEA published a collection of classic IEA papers by Nobel laureates found here.

  6. The Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences, officially the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel [2] [3] [4] (Swedish: Sveriges riksbanks pris i ekonomisk vetenskap till Alfred Nobels minne), is an economics award funded by Sveriges Riksbank [5] and administered by the Nobel Foundation.

  7. "This year's Laureates – David Card, Joshua Angrist and Guido Imbens – have shown that natural experiments can be used to answer central questions for society, such as how minimum wages and immigration affect the labour market.