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13.2 India and Global Manufacturing States 52 13.3 New Approach to Industrial Policy 55 13.4 Focus on Sectors as well as Cross-cutting Issues 59 13.5 Strategy for Land Issues 81 13.6 Description of Land Acquisition Process 83 13.7 Two Connected ‘Tracks’ for Implementation and Systems’ Improvement 101 13.8 Capability Map 102
mapping an optimal strategy for economic development. History Of Planning in India & Origin of Five Year Plans: 7.2 Though the planned economic development in India began in 1951 with the inception of First Five Year Plan , theoretical efforts had begun much earlier , even prior to the independence.
17 lip 2020 · The document summarizes India's 12 Five Year Plans from 1951-2017. It outlines the key objectives, focus areas, and growth targets and achievements of each plan. The Planning Commission was established in 1950 to promote rapid development and increase production, employment and living standards in India.
The Twelfth Plan has set a target of 8 percent growth over the five year period 2012-13 to 2016-17. With a growth of only 5 percent in the first year and perhaps 6.5 percent in the second, it will require a very sharp
21 cze 2023 · Five Year Plans in India. There were 12 Five Year Plan in India from 1951 to 2017. In the following table, the candidates will find all the information about the duration of the Five Year Plan in India along with the key assessment and objectives of these Five Year Plan in India.
Get access to five years plans by Planning Commission. Users can get details related to all Five Year Plans from First Five Year Plan onwards. Downloadable Five Year Plans, guidelines, formats, approach paper, documents related to Five Year Plans, etc. are also available.
This article will keep you updated on the history and objectives of economic planning in India, Five Year Plan in India and the Planning Commission as well as its successor, the NITI Aayog. You can also download the list of Five Year Plans, its objectives, and assessments in the form of PDF.