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23 mar 2022 · Use this printable ruler to measure things when you don't have a physical ruler available. Just print for an accurate easy-to-use ruler.
These worksheets explain how to practice measuring objects with rulers in Imperial and Metric scales. Students will also learn how to read rulers with subdivisions between whole numbers. This series has just under one-hundred worksheets, lessons, and quizzes within it, just scroll down to see them all.
Metric linear measurement worksheets for measuring and converting centimeters, millimeters, kilometers, and meters.
Measurement worksheets using metric (international unit) rulers. Each printable PDF includes an answer key and there are measurement worksheets of centimeter and millimeter positions as well as length measurements of objects placed either the start or the middle positions of the ruler.
Here is our random worksheet generator for creating your own free converting measures worksheets for metric units. Using this generator will let you create your own worksheets for: Convert between a range of lengths: mm, cm, m, km; Convert between milliliters, liters and centiliters; Convert between grams, kilograms, milligrams and (metric) tonnes
The wide array of measurement worksheets available provides invaluable practice for reading and using tools like tape measures, rulers, and protractors, as well as converting units across different systems.
The smallest markings will be the sixteenth-inch markings, i.e., the first marking is 1/16 inch, the second is 3/16 inch, the third is 5/16 inch, etc. We also have a free printable ruler with fraction measurements marked to help you learn how to find the inch fractions for a measurement.