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One US cup is about 0.236588 liters and is often used to measure ingredients in recipes. Liters to US Cups (L to cup US) conversion calculator for Volume conversions with additional tables and formulas.
- Us Cups to Liters Conversion
One US cup is about 0.236588 liters and is often used to...
- Us Cups to Liters Conversion
Liters to Cups (L to cup) conversion calculator for Volume conversions with additional tables and formulas.
One United States customary cup is equal to 236.5882365 milliliters as well as 1/16 U.S. customary gallons, 8 U.S. customary fluid ounces, 16 U.S. customary tablespoons, or 48 U.S. customary teaspoons.
Liters to Fluid Ounces: 1 liter is approximately 33.814 fluid ounces. This conversion is useful for understanding beverage sizes and nutritional information. Liters to Barrels: 1 liter is roughly 0.008386 barrels. This conversion is crucial in the oil and gas industry for measuring oil volumes.
Liters to Fluid Ounces: 1 liter is approximately 33.814 fluid ounces. This conversion is useful for understanding beverage sizes and nutritional information. Liters to Barrels: 1 liter is roughly 0.008386 barrels. This conversion is crucial in the oil and gas industry for measuring oil volumes.
To convert a measurement in liters to a measurement in cups, multiply the volume by the following conversion ratio: 4.226753 cups/liter. Since one liter is equal to 4.226753 cups, you can use this simple formula to convert: cups = liters × 4.226753. The volume in cups is equal to the volume in liters multiplied by 4.226753.
One US cup is about 0.236588 liters and is often used to measure ingredients in recipes. A Liter is a metric volume unit equal to 1,000 cubic centimeters, 1 cubic decimeter or 33.814 fluid ounces in the imperial system. The volume is equivalent to a cube with 10cm on each of its sides.