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Instructions: After reviewing Facts on Drugs: Brain and Addiction on the NIDA for Teens Web site (, take this short quiz to test your knowledge. The human brain weighs about as much as a __________. Neurons in the brain communicate with each other by ______________. gets activated.
Lesson 1 - What is a drug? Lesson 2 - What are medicines and who gives them to me? Lesson 3 - How do we store and use medicines safely in the home? Lesson 4 - How does smoking affect us? Lesson 5 - What can I do if someone is smoking near me? Lesson 6 - What are alcoholic drinks and what do labels tells us?
Seven exercises on the topic "At The Drug Store": match the words with the pictures, combine verbs with the nouns, fill in the word in the phrases, different dialogues w... IS TOBACCO A DRUG? DISCUSSION ABOUT TOBACCO. The worksheet contains 5 exercises.
These activities will help your students understand how drugs can hurt their bodies. They’ll also help kids learn how to deal with peer pressure and live a drug-free lifestyle. Note: The following questions are written in language appropriate for sharing with your students.
These activities will help your students learn what drugs do to the body and mind, the dangers of using drugs, and how they can handle pressure to use drugs. Are Steroids Worth the Risk? I Think I May Have a Drinking/Drug Problem. What Should I Do? Note: The following questions are written in language appropriate for sharing with your students.
Using drugs can affect your health and some medications you may take. Please help us provide you with the best medical care by answering the questions below. Which recreational drugs have you used in the past year? (Check all that apply) How often have you used these drugs? Monthly or less. Weekly. Daily or almost daily. 1.
1 Activity 2 The Brain and Drugs _____ Core Concept: Addictive drugs affect signaling at the synapses in the reward pathway of the brain. Class time required: Approximately 40-60 minutes Teacher Provides: For each student • Copy of student handout entitled “The Brain and Drugs.”