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  1. 18 paź 2021 · If you need to know how to use Spectra pump settings, find cheat sheets and instructions inside! Best Spectra pump settings for newborn and more!

  2. Need Help Pumping?

  3. Convert your Spectra Wide Neck Breastshield into a manual pump using the Spectra Manual Pump Switch Kit. Compatible with the Spectra S1, Spectra S2, Spectra M1 and Spectra 9 Plus breastshields.

  4. 18 lis 2024 · If you just got your Spectra S1, Spectra S2 or Spectra Synergy the pump can be a little intimidating. You can use this cheat sheet for the Spectra settings to get the most milk while pumping. Here are four different options for the settings to use for your first pumping session with your Spectra.

  5. This article aims to provide a comprehensive guide for mastering Spectra pump settings, offering cheat sheets and instructions to optimize pumping sessions. The Spectra breast pump is a popular choice among breastfeeding mothers, known for its efficiency and effectiveness in expressing breast milk.

  6. Spectra's Manual Breast Pump Adapter Kit offers an ergonomic design successfully preventing hand fatigue and allowing its user to pump at their own pace while aiding let-down. Pro Pumping Tip: Converts your Spectra flange set into a manual breast pump!

  7. Your Spectra S2 comes with everything you need to double pump, including two sets of tubing, backflow protectors, breastshields, duck valves, and bottle kits. PUMP MOTOR POWER ADAPTOR