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  1. Tutaj wcielisz się w Chucka lub Mandi i wcielisz się w rolę głównego szefa kuchni najnowszego przedsięwzięcia Papa Louie: restauracji ze skrzydełkami kurczaka! Twoim zadaniem jest przyjmowanie zamówień, smażenie kurczaka, nakładanie odpowiednich sosów i układanie pięknych półmisków.

  2. Here, you'll play as either Chuck or Mandi and take on the role of the head chef for Papa Louie's newest venture: a chicken wings restaurant! It's up to you to take the orders, fry the chicken, apply the right sauces and arrange beautiful platters.

  3. Papa’s Wingeria is a casual restaurant game where you cook delicious wings for customers. Learn to serve the perfect plate of wings and purchase upgrades to improve the customer experience. The days only get busier at Papa’s Wingeria, so work fast to deliver all the orders on time!

  4. Papa's Wingeria is a casual restaurant game where you cook delicious wings for customers. Learn to serve the perfect plate of wings and purchase upgrades to enhance the customer experience. The days only get busier at Papa's Wingeria, so work fast to deliver all the orders on time!

  5. Aquí, jugarás como Chuck o Mandi y asumirás el papel del jefe de cocina de la nueva empresa de Papa Louie: ¡un restaurante de alitas de pollo! Depende de usted tomar los pedidos, freír el pollo, aplicar las salsas adecuadas y preparar hermosos platos.

  6. Aqui, você jogará como Chuck ou Mandi e assumirá o papel de chefe de cozinha do mais novo empreendimento de Papa Louie: um restaurante de asas de frango! Cabe a você anotar os pedidos, fritar o frango, aplicar os molhos certos e arrumar lindas travessas.

  7. Papa’s Wingeria is a casual restaurant game where you cook delicious wings for customers. Learn to serve the perfect plate of wings and purchase upgrades to improve the customer experience. The days only get busier at Papa’s Wingeria, so work fast to deliver all the orders on time!

  1. Wyszukiwania związane z wingeria poki

    papa's wingeria poki