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  1. › wiki › Cool_JapanCool Japan - Wikipedia

    Cool Japan (クールジャパン, Kūru Japan) refers to the aspects of Japanese culture that non-Japanese people perceive as "cool". After the success of "Cool Britannia," the Japanese government started using the phrase.

  2. Cool Japan ( jap. クールジャパン Kūru Japan) – odnosi się do aspektów kultury japońskiej, które ludzie spoza Japonii postrzegają jakofajne”. Strategia Cool Japan jest częścią ogólnej strategii japońskiej marki, mającej na celu rozpowszechnianie atrakcyjności i uroku Japonii na całym świecie.

  3. The Cool Japan strategy is an initiative to further strengthen the ties between Japan and other countries. The Japanese government is engaged in many different programs.

  4. 12 sty 2021 · The Japanese government saw potential in this trend and officially launched the “Cool Japan” policy to introduce Japanese cultural products and make them even more popular. In this article, I explain how the Cool Japan policy was born, which ministers are involved in supporting it, and which products are promoted.

  5. 22 mar 2024 · ‘Cool Japan is actually a synonym for cultural policies issued to promote the development of Japans cultural industry.’. In 2013, during Shinzo Abe’s tenure as Prime...

  6. クールジャパン戦略 (令和元年9月) クールジャパンとは世界からクールかっこいい)」と捉えられるその可能性のあるものを含む日本の魅力」。. 「食」、「アニメ」、「ポップカルチャー」などに限らず、世界の関心の変化を反映して無限に ...

  7. Cool Japan (CJ) refers to the attractions of Japan that render it cool (or have the potential to do so) in the eyes of the world. CJ is not limited to the kind of attractions that Japanese nationals typically think of, such as food, anime, pop culture, the shinkansen, traditional crafts, and famous tourist spots.

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