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22 sie 2018 · I have the following issue with my Votol EM-100 controller. Have screened most of this thread but nobody have had the exact issue. I have upgraded my moped with a brand new 3kW QS motor, new Votol EM controller and a DIY 60 V 45 AH battery. The current obtained speed (unloaded) is only 10 km/h.
22 sie 2018 · I now have my laptop and controller talking. I used the links in this thread for the 2020 Votol Controller software. The PL2303 software recognized my USB with no issue. I then loaded the EM_v3_Sport Software. Followed the manual to connect to the controller and was successful.
21 cze 2019 · Ich poste ein Thema für Votol EM-100 & EM-150-Controller, weil ich vermute, dass jemand Fragen haben wird. Über das Programmieren und was auch immer. Sie mögen fragen, weil ich mich schon lange mit Controllern beschäftige und sie sehr gut sind.
22 sie 2018 · I'm working on VOTOL EM-100 controller with 2000W motor. I already operated the motor, Now I want to access the controller. The problem is EM V3 shows the message as attached. Please give the suggestion.
MCU_CHIP_ERROR 0x800000 controller failure PRE_CHARGE_ERROR 0x1000000 Precharge failure OVERHEAT1 0x8000000 motor overheating The power does not match, replace a motor with a higher power or a controller with a lower power SOC_ZERO_ERROR 0x80000000 SOC is 0 Detect whether the signal line sequence and protocol match.
It's SIAECOSYS Instructions For Use, includes qsmotor, sia motors, Votol controller, Fardriver Controller, sabvoton controller, kelly controller, display etc.
You either wrecked the motor by hitting the throttle without self learning first or the controller is preventing you from causing havoc to your hubmotor. Even throttling ONE TIME for ONE SECOND is enough to destroy a hubmotor thus requiring a rebuild.