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  1. 1 gru 2010 · I have a USB scale, a USB HID. Currently, when it is plugged in, the permissions only allow the superuser to access it. How can I configure udev to let anybody access this device? I have the vendor and product IDs, but I would like to match it based on the HID type instead.

  2. # This is a sample udev file for HIDAPI devices which changes the permissions # to 0666 (world readable/writable) for a specified device on Linux systems. # If you are using the libusb implementation of hidapi (libusb/hid.c), then

  3. 12 mar 2015 · The way I deal with USB devices is to give a specific group access to all of them. As root: echo 'SUBSYSTEM=="usb", MODE="0660", GROUP="plugdev"' > /etc/udev/rules.d/00-usb-permissions.rules udevadm control --reload-rules

  4. What do I need to do to have read permissions on /dev/hidraw*? I'm seeing stuff about udev rules and saw this on the net, but the world of udev is like a foreign land to me, and if there's some so...

  5. It is possible to be more specific with the permissions, you can specify a device by things like USB vendor (VID) and product ID (PID). So it would be possible to make a file which would work for just your scanner, and leave all other USB devices with the default permissions.

  6. 6 lip 2016 · I am trying to add a MagTek USB-Magstripe reader to my Linux system and it is not working. When I try and output >> to a file I get "permission denied". When I "cd /dev/usb" and "ls -la" I see:

  7. 28 lis 2018 · I have a hardware device which I'd like to communicate with in C via the HID library. But this device does not show up as HID. Is there a way to make it so (with a udev rule maybe) ? $ dmesg usb 1...

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