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  1. Recent studies provide new insight into the diagnosis and treatment of trachoma: immunopathologic studies further elucidate etiology and clinical sequelae; new diagnostic tests such as confocal microscopy are supplementing current diagnostic criteria; mass treatment strategies are proposing effective methods for antibiotic distribution; and ...

  2. 21 paź 2020 · Diagnosis. Your doctor can diagnose trachoma through a physical examination or by sending a sample of bacteria from your eyes to a laboratory for testing. But lab tests aren't always available in places where trachoma is common.

  3. 10 paź 2024 · Trachoma is a disease of the eye caused by infection with the bacterium Chlamydia trachomatis. It is a public health problem in 39 countries and is responsible for the blindness or visual impairment of about 1.9 million people. Blindness from trachoma is irreversible.

  4. Diagnosis. In areas where trachoma is endemic, active (inflammatory) trachoma is common among preschool-aged children, with prevalence rates which can be as high as 60-90%. Infection becomes less frequent and shorter in duration with increasing age.

  5. 13 cze 2019 · Jaglica (trachoma) to choroba oczu, w przebiegu której dochodzi do chlamydiowego zapalenia spojówek. Schorzenie jest zakaźne, można się nim zarazić przez kontakt z zainfekowaną wydzieliną z oka chorego. Najbardziej charakterystycznym objawem są grudki jagliczne (zmiany na powiece), pojawia...

  6. 20 kwi 2024 · The diagnosis of trachoma primarily depends on the patient's history and clinical signs observed during a slit-lamp examination. Although several diagnostic tests have been developed to detect the organism, a universally recognized gold standard investigation does not exist.

  7. 2 sty 2024 · Trachoma is a keratoconjunctivitis caused by ocular infection with particular serovars of Chlamydia trachomatis. Antibiotics, in conjunction with facial cleanliness campaigns and environmental improvements targeted at communities at risk, aim to reduce the reservoir of infection within a population. Occurs predominantly in children.

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