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Rama, swami Rama (ur. 1925, zm. 1996) – indyjski jogin, swami, autor wielu książek na temat jogi, zdrowia, medytacji, nauczyciel duchowych tradycji hinduizmu.
Swami Rama (1925-1996) was a Hindu teacher who claimed to have mastered yoga nidra and other psychosomatic feats. He also faced allegations and lawsuits of sexual assault of his followers in the US and India.
Swāmī Rāma (ur. jako Brij Kishore Dhasmana) - indyjski jogin, naukowiec, filozof, humanistą i poeta mistyk. Urodził się w północnych Indiach w rodzinie braminów.
Learn about Swami Rama, a 20th century spiritual master who studied with Himalayan sages and founded the Himalayan Institute in the US. He wrote Living with the Himalayan Masters, a book that reveals his life and teachings.
"Żyjąc wśród himalajskich mistrzów to wyjątkowa książka o osobistych doznaniach Śr Śwamiego Ramy, przedstawiająca jednocześnie życie i nauki Mahatmy Gandhiego, Rabindranatha Tagore, Śri Aurobindo, Ramana Maharshiego i wielu mędrców, których domem są Himalaje".
Learn about Swami Rama, a 20th century adept, teacher, writer, and humanitarian who founded the Himalayan Institute. He studied with Himalayan saints and sages, held the position of Shankaracharya, and wrote Living with the Himalayan Masters.
Learn about the life and achievements of Swami Rama, a yogi, teacher, researcher, and humanitarian who lived in the Himalayas and traveled to the West. He was the Shankaracharya of Karvirpitham, a medical consultant, a parapsychologist, and a prolific author.