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  1. There are 39 known isotopes of radon (86 Rn), from 193 Rn to 231 Rn; all are radioactive. The most stable isotope is 222 Rn with a half-life of 3.823 days, which decays into 218 Po.

  2. Radon (Rn, łac. radon) – pierwiastek chemiczny z grupy gazów szlachetnych w układzie okresowym. Został odkryty w 1900 roku przez Friedricha Dorna. Początkowo był nazywany „emanacją” (symbol Em [potrzebny przypis]), proponowano dla niego także nazwę „niton” (Nt [potrzebny przypis]).

  3. › wiki › RadonRadon - Wikipedia

    Radon is a chemical element; it has symbol Rn and atomic number 86. It is a radioactive noble gas and is colorless and odorless. Of the three naturally occurring radon isotopes, only 222 Rn has a sufficiently long half-life (3.825 days) for it to be released from the soil and rock

  4. 18 sie 2023 · Radon occurs naturally in significant quantities in three different chemical variations, or isotopes, but only two of these present a risk. Radon-222 — a product of Uranium-238 or Radium-226 decay — is the most dangerous one.

  5. Radon is an alpha emitter that decays with a half-life of 3.5 days to a short-lived series of progeny that have been historically referred to as radon daughters, but are now more often termed radon decay products or radon progeny (Figure 1) (NRC et al. 1999).

  6. 12 sie 2016 · Radon is the heaviest of all noble gases, a class of chemically inert gases with low reactivity, and has a total of 36 isotopes ranging from 193 Rn to 228 Rn.

  7. Radon isotopes refer to radioactive isotopes of radon, such as radon (222Rn), thoron (220Rn), and actinon (219Rn), which have different half-lives and emanation powers. These isotopes have physiochemical properties such as low boiling and melting points, high water solubility, and specific diffusion coefficients in air and water.

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