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  1. These lecture notes introduce the declarative programming language Prolog. The em-phasis is on learning how to program, rather than on the theory of logic programming. Nevertheless, a short chapter on the logic foundations of Prolog is included as well.

  2. Prolog is a high-level logic programming language (PROgramming in LOGic); Good at pattern matching (by unification) and searching; Not very good for repetitive number crunching;

  3. SWI-Prolog is a comprehensive and portable implementation of the Prolog programming language. SWI-Prolog aims to be a robust and scalable implementation supporting a wide

  4. Uczenie si Prolog: retract + assert. Zarys lozo i Prologu programowanie deklaratywne (a nie proceduralne), indeterminizm, brak rozr oznienia_ we/wy (relacje vs. funkcje), rekurencja, brak "instrukcji". ALGORYTM = LOGIKA + STEROWANIE uni kacja (dopasowanie wzorca), rezolucja (wnioskowanie),

  5. Authors’ manuscript 693 ppid September 9, 1995 Prolog Programming in Depth Contents I The Prolog Language 9 1 Introducing Prolog 1 1.1 The Idea of Prolog: 1 1.2 How Prolog Works: 2 1.3 Varieties of Prolog: 4 1.4 A Practical Knowledge Base: 4 1.5 Unification and Variable Instantiation: 9 1.6 Backtracking: 10 1.7 Prolog Syntax: 14 1.8 ...

  6. Prolog is a logic programming language used in fields like artificial intelligence. Facts and rules (i.e. Horn Clauses) are used to express the program logic in Prolog. Prolog computation involves querying a database of facts and rules. If a given query can be proven for a given database, Prolog outputs the answers

  7. Prolog — podstawowe mechanizmy 2 Struktury i predykaty Prolog pozwala na wprowadzanie faktow strukturalnych, co daje duz˙a֒swobode֒. W korzystaniu z tej swobody, podobnie jak z innych swobod, warto stosowa´c jednak pewna֒dyscypline֒, np.: Czy zamiast pisa´c tak: kolega(zdzich). kolega(rychu). ma(zdzich, ksiazka). ma(zdzich, mercedes).

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