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The CREATE FUNCTION statement creates or replaces a standalone function or a call specification. A standalone function is a function (a subprogram that returns a single value) that is stored in the database. Note:
- SQL Statements for Stored Pl/Sql Units
To recompile an existing PL/SQL unit without re-creating it...
- ALTER TYPE Statement
type_name. Name of an ADT, VARRAY type, or nested table...
- Oracle Database Development Guide
The basic unit of a PL/SQL source program is the block,...
- Description of The Illustration Create_Function.Eps
- Description of The Illustration Plsql_Function_Source.Eps
[ schema. ] function_name [ ( parameter_declaration [,...
- Using Pipelined and Parallel Table Functions
Table function may be executed in parallel, and returned...
- Using Edition-Based Redefinition
Edition-based redefinition (EBR) lets you upgrade the...
- Design Basics
The key to database and application performance is design,...
- SQL Statements for Stored Pl/Sql Units
SQL functions are used exclusively with SQL commands within SQL statements. There are two general types of SQL functions: single row (or scalar) functions and aggregate functions. These two types differ in the number of database rows on which they act.
PL/SQL Function. Summary: in this tutorial, you will learn how to develop a PL/SQL function and how to call it in various places such as an assignment statement, a Boolean expression, and an SQL statement.
Before invoking a function, you must declare and define it. You can either declare it first (with function_declaration) and then define it later in the same block, subprogram, or package (with function_definition) or declare and define it at the same time (with function_definition).
This Oracle tutorial explains how to create and drop functions in Oracle/PLSQL with syntax and examples. Create Function. Just as you can in other languages, you can create your own functions in Oracle. Syntax. The syntax to create a function in Oracle is: CREATE [OR REPLACE] FUNCTION function_name. [ (parameter [,parameter]) ]
Here is my PL/SQL function portion. I am trying to use the function in a select statement. for example we can write a query like select count(column_name) from table_name . Here count is a function.
This article presents a number of solutions for making calls to PL/SQL functions from SQL more efficient. The Problem. Scalar Subquery Caching. DETERMINISTIC Hint. Cross-Session PL/SQL Function Result Cache (11g) Manual Caching Using PL/SQL Collections. Manual Caching Using Contexts. Automatic SQL Transpiler. Scalar Subquery Caching (Revisited)