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11 lis 2015 · You could use the SQL%ROWCOUNT Oracle variable: UPDATE table1 SET field2 = value2, field3 = value3 WHERE field1 = value1; IF (SQL%ROWCOUNT = 0) THEN INSERT INTO table (field1, field2, field3) VALUES (value1, value2, value3); END IF;
19 lip 2022 · update customers_dim cd set ( full_name, update_datetime ) = ( select cs.full_name, systimestamp from customers_stage cs where cs.customer_id = cd.customer_id ) where exists ( select null from customers_stage ce where ce.customer_id = cd.customer_id )
If it exists, you want to change its price. And if it doesn't, you want to add it. You can do this using the following code block. The attribute sql%rowcount returns the number of rows affected by the last statement. You can use this to see if an update changed any rows. If it returns zero, it did nothing.
This statement is equivalent to: update people_target t set (t.first_name, t.last_name) = ( select s.first_name, s.last_name from people_source s where s.person_id = t.person_id ) where exists ( select null from people_source s where s.person_id = t.person_id).
15 kwi 2019 · I want a trigger to do an UPDATE instead of an INSERT. A trigger could be something like: create trigger test_trg before insert on test_tbl for each row begin if exists (select * from test_tbl where id = then -- update record else -- insert into table end if; end;
19 lip 2022 · Often when loading data you want to add new rows and change the existing ones. So you need "update if exists, insert if not exists" logic, aka UPSERT.
1 - First try update, searching by the unique field (with returning into clause to get the primary key), if the key exists, it will works even if the update wasn't really needed, i.e, if the value updated is the same that the older.