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  1. The history of Nigeria can be traced to the earliest inhabitants whose remains date from at least 13,000 BC through early civilizations such as the Nok culture which began around 1500 BC.

  2. Historia leżących na północy miast – Kano i Katsina – sięga X wieku. W kolejnych stuleciach te królestwa Hausa oraz imperium Kanem-Bornu, leżące nad jeziorem Czad, rozwijały się jako ważne centra wymiany handlowej pomiędzy północą i południem kraju.

  3. 5 lis 2024 · A survey of notable events and people in the history of Nigeria. The country, located on the Atlantic coast in western Africa, has a diverse population and is home to some 250 ethnic groups, and hundreds of languages are spoken in the country.

  4. 3 dni temu · Modern Nigeria dates from 1914, when the British Protectorates of Northern and Southern Nigeria were joined. The country became independent on October 1, 1960, and in 1963 adopted a republican constitution but elected to stay a member of the Commonwealth .

  5. 2 dni temu · Nigeria - Colonialism, Independence, Civil War: Evidence of human occupation in Nigeria dates back thousands of years. The oldest fossil remains found by archaeologists in the southwestern area of Iwo Eleru, near Akure, have been dated to about 9000 bce.

  6. Nigeria, Federalna Republika Nigerii (ang. Federal Republic of Nigeria) – państwo w Afryce Zachodniej nad Zatoką Gwinejską, najludniejsze na kontynencie afrykańskim. Nazwa kraju pochodzi od rzeki Niger. Po raz pierwszy pojawiła się w brytyjskiej gazecie The Times w 1897 roku. Państwo sąsiaduje z Beninem, Nigrem, Czadem i Kamerunem.

  7. 18 mar 2022 · The Oxford Handbook of Nigerian History provides a comprehensive history of Africa’s most populous and most rapidly developing country.

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