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  1. 24 maj 2000 · Obtaining information from the National Criminal Register by electronic means. Submit an application for information from the National Criminal Register without leaving home in the amount of PLN 20. Find out more.

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      Opening of the National Criminal Register customer service...

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      A certificate from the National Criminal Register can be...

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      National Criminal Register customer assistance tel. 71 748...

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      in person at one of the National Criminal Register...

  2. e-KRK. The fee for providing information about a natural person and a collective entity amounts to PLN 20. Payments are made exclusively via DotPay, an electronic payment system provided by the e-KRK website. Payments made outside the DotPay system will prevent you from obtaining a certificate by electronic means. Cookie policy.

  3. You must register at by clicking on the REGISTRATION tab ( with two applications: the first one for natural persons; the other one for companies, institutions (e.g., courts).

  4. 2 sty 2022 · National Criminal Register. Register in the system in order to gain access to: manage your data, fill in requests / queries, pay, sign and send requests / queries, download responses. Registration »

  5. 1 lut 2022 · Zarejestruj się w systemie, żeby: zarządzać swoimi danymi, wypełniać wnioski / zapytania, opłacać, podpisywać i wysyłać wnioski / zapytania, pobierać odpowiedzi. Rejestracja »

  6. W celu prawidłowego korzystania z systemu e-KRK niezbędne jest: system operacyjny pozwalający na użycie jednej z przeglądarek, o których mowa w lit. b, konto e-mail na potrzeby komunikacji z użytkownikiem, włączenie obsługi technologii Java Script oraz tzw. "cookies".

  7. Sex Offenders Register The judiciary in Poland Homepage » About the Ministry of Justice » Organisational Structure » Information Bureau of the National Criminal...

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