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  1. Consulta los protocolos médicos del Centro de Medicina Maternofetal y Neonatal de Barcelona para el diagnóstico y tratamiento de patologías fetales y maternas. Los protocolos son guías profesionales dirigidas a médicos especialistas y requieren adaptación a cada caso.

  2. The medical protocols encompass information intended as guidance for diagnosis and the treatment of specific pathologies. However, it is evident that these guidelines necessitate adaptation to the specific clinical situation and context, taking into consideration the doctor’s clinical judgement.

  3. Enfermedad Placentaria, Crecimiento Intrauterino Restringido y Preeclamsia [ES] Patología Fetal : Diagnóstico y manejo Perinatal [ES] Fetal Pathology: Perinatal Diagnosis and Management. Placental Disease, Intrauterine Growth Restriction and Preeclampsia.

  4. Find clinical guidelines for common conditions in obstetrics and fetal medicine based on scientific evidence and clinical experience. Learn about maternal and fetal pathology, such as preeclampsia, RPM-P, infections, ectopic pregnancy and growth defects.

  5. Aquesta pàgina web ofereix una sèrie de protocols clínics desenvolupats per la Unitat de Medicina Fetal de l’Hospital Vall d’Hebron. Els protocols aborden temes com preeclàmpsia, rotura prematura de membranes, infeccions, embaràs ectòpic i defectes de creixement fetal.

  6. The objective of this protocol is to describe the management of pregnant women at risk of spontaneous preterm delivery in singleton pregnancies. The management of multiple gestations is described in a specific protocol. 1. OBJECTIVES OF THE PRETERM BIRTH PREVENTION CLINIC. The main objectives of the Prematurity Unit are the following: 1.1.

  7. Este documento describe el diagnóstico, el tratamiento y el seguimiento de las gestaciones ectópicas, con especial atención a la gestación tubárica. Incluye factores de riesgo, algoritmo de manejo, pautas de MTX y referencias.

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