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With Lexmark Cartridges Collection Programme (LCCP), you can easily return your end-of-life Lexmark products for free through our online hub, whether you are a company or an individual. Since Lexmark cartridges are part of the WEEE directive (Electrical and Electronic Waste).
Loop into the circular economy with Lexmark’s award-winning cartridge collection program and free equipment collection program. As part of our focus on the circular economy, Lexmark offers programs to help you recycle and remanufacture equipment and supplies.
Działania ECO. Dołącz do programu LCCP - Lexmark Cartridge Collection Program! Weź udział w tworzeniu gospodarki obiegowej. Dbanie o środowisko naturalne jest dziś łatwiejsze niż kiedykolwiek. Poddaj recyklingowi wszystkie zużyte materiały eksploatacyjne Lexmarka i pozwól nam zająć się resztą.
The free and easy way to return your toner cartridges for reuse and recycling. When you return your empty supplies through LCCP, you are helping to reduce impact on the environment and promote sustainability.
Lexmark recovers millions of used cartridges each year that are either reused or recycled via the award-winning Lexmark Cartridge Collection Program (LCCP). Lexmark products have been awarded many ecolabels, including German Blue Angel, EPEAT and U.S. Energy Star certifications.
Free cartridge recycling programmes that would become LCCP (Lexmark Cartridges Collection Programme) launches. Lexmark begins to remanufacture its own toner supplies.
Cartridge collection around the world. Each year, the LCCP prevents millions of Lexmark print cartridges from ending up in landfills. This program encourages our customers to return used print cartridges to Lexmark free of charge so that we can reuse and recycle them.