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Mom's Eye is a passive item. Gives Isaac a chance to shoot a tear out of an eye on the back of his head. This item belongs to the Yes Mother? set. Collecting three items from this set will transform Isaac into his mother. The chance to shoot an extra tear depends on the luck stat, and the...
Mom's Eye. Zwiększa szybkostrzelność i daje Isaacowi oko na tyle głowy co pozwala strzelać w dwóch kierunkach jednocześnie. Łzy strzelają dość losowo, więc posiadanie dużej szybkostrzelności można zwiększyć szansę na strzał w tył. Wystrzeliwuje normalne łzy, nawet gdy jest stosowany z przedmiotami zmieniającymi łzy jak np. Technology. Interakcje.
Mom's Eye is a passive item. Gives Isaac an eye on the back of his head, allowing him to shoot in both directions at the same time. The shots from the back always shoot straight, even while strafing. The chance to shoot a second tear is 50%, but The Inner Eye set it to 100%.
Mom's Eyeshadow is a passive item. Gives a chance to shoot charming tears, causing enemies to temporarily fight on Isaac's side. This item belongs to the Yes Mother? set.
After obtaining 3 Mom items from the following list ( 3 items with the mom item tag), Isaac gains a stationary Mom's Knife that trails behind Isaac as he moves, dealing 2x Isaac's tear damage on...
Mom's Eyeshadow is a passive item. Contents. 1 Effects. 2 Notes. 3 Synergies. 4 Interactions. 5 In-game Footage. Effects. Gives a chance to shoot charming tears, causing enemies to temporarily fight on Isaac's side. This item belongs to the Yes Mother? set. Collecting three items from this set will transform Isaac into his mother. Notes.
A guide with everything you need to know about the Item "Mom's Eye" from The Binding of Isaac Rebirth/ Afterbirth+/ Repentance. The basic effects as well as ...