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OpenHistoricalMap is a collaborative project that lets you explore and edit historical map data. You can view, create and export maps of the world at different times and places, using an open license.
Interactive detailed political map from ancient times to our days. Empires, kingdoms, principalities, republics
Interactive historical map of the world, historical timeline, 20th century history. Learn about historical events, track border changes, visualize unions.
Explore world history maps and timelines of kingdoms, battles, expeditions, and more. GeaCron offers comparative history, political, military, art, science, literature, religion, philosophy, and more.
Atlas of World History Animation. 4000 year narrated map animation: 3000 BCE-1000 CE. Free online book. 22 languages.
Interactive World History Timeline and Map.
Interactive step-by-step historical atlas explaining world events. Includes free maps, articles, and timelines for education, reference, and teacher resources.