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NASA's Galileo spacecraft was designed to study the large, gaseous planet Jupiter, its moons and its surrounding magnetosphere, which is a magnetic bubble surrounding the planet. The craft was named for the Italian Renaissance scientist who discovered Jupiter's major moons in 1610.
- Galileo Mission to Jupiter
While its aim was to study Jupiter and its mysterious moons,...
- 1087 Search Results for "galileo"
Galileo - NASA Science...
- Galileo Mission to Jupiter
Galileo – amerykańska bezzałogowa sonda kosmiczna wystrzelona w 1989 roku przez agencję kosmiczną NASA w celu wykonania badań Jowisza, jego księżyców i pierścieni. W grudniu 1995 r. sonda stała się pierwszym sztucznym satelitą Jowisza oraz wprowadziła w jego atmosferę próbnik z aparaturą pomiarową.
Galileo was an American robotic space probe that studied the planet Jupiter and its moons, as well as the asteroids Gaspra and Ida. Named after the Italian astronomer Galileo Galilei , it consisted of an orbiter and an entry probe.
18 paź 1989 · While its aim was to study Jupiter and its mysterious moons, which it did with much success, NASA's Galileo mission also became notable for discoveries during its journey to the gas giant. It was the first spacecraft to visit an asteroid -- two in fact, Gaspra and Ida.
Galileo Science. Galileo changed the way we look at our solar system. When the spacecraft plunged into Jupiter's crushing atmosphere on Sept. 21, 2003, it was being deliberately destroyed to protect one of its own discoveries—a possible ocean beneath the icy crust of the moon Europa.
Galileo - NASA Science Europa. On the day of impact, it took Galileo's radio signals about 52 minutes to...burn up in Jupiter's atmosphere. Galileo's 14-year mission to...
Galileo was an American robotic space program that studied the planet Jupiter and its moons, as well as several other Solar System bodies. Named after the Italian astronomer Galileo Galilei, the Galileo spacecraft consisted of an orbiter and an atmospheric entry probe.