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In photography, the field of view is that part of the world that is visible through the camera at a particular position and orientation in space; objects outside the FOV when the picture is taken are not recorded in the photograph. It is most often expressed as the angular size of the view cone, as an angle of view.
The microscope field of view is the maximum diameter of the area visible when looking through the eyepiece (that will be the eyepiece field of view) or using a camera (that will be the camera field of view).
The diameter of the view field in an optical microscope is termed the field number and represents the diameter of the field measured in millimeters at the intermediate image plane. This interactive tutorial explores the effect of varying the field of view size on the viewable specimen area.
Field of View or Field Diameter is very important in microscopy as it is a more meaningful number than "magnification". Field diameter is simply the number of millimeters or micrometers you will see in your whole field of view when looking into the eyepiece lens.
The diameter of the field in an optical microscope is expressed by the field-of-view number, or simply the field number, which is the diameter of the view field in millimeters measured at the intermediate image plane.
A microscope’s field of view is basically the diameter of that circular area that appears when you look into a microscope. Simple enough, right? We’ll look at some example and see how scientists and engineers calculate this and use this.
How to Calculate Microscope Field of View. The diameter of the field of an optical light microscope is the field number, which is the diameter of the field view in mm measured at the intermediate image plane. The field number is typically listed on the microscope eyepiece.