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    ead shanghai
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  1. Study abroad in Shanghai, China! Semester and summer study abroad, and internship programs. TEAN specialise in Asia Pacific education abroad programs.

  2. The Semester in Shanghai offers a challenging, yet supportive environment with more than 120 courses available in English that cover a variety of subjects, from business to liberal arts, in addition to studying Mandarin – the most spoken language in the world.

  3. Academy of Young Diplomats – Become a Leader of Tomorrow! Copy link. 1/1. Akademia Młodych Dyplomatów 2024/2025 | APLIKUJ. Najbliższe szkolenia.

  4. In Shanghai, past study tours and excursions have included: Visits to historical sites, such as Old City God Temple and the Bund. Select a multi-day excursion to destinations like Xi’an, Yunnan, or Taiwan. Spend long weekends in alluring destinations like Beijing, Hangzhou, or Nanjing.

  5. 上海市外国留学生政府奖学金申请指南. 为服务上海建设具有全球影响力的科技创新中心,进一步推动上海教育国际合作与交流,吸引各国优秀学生、学者到上海学习和研究,上海市人民政府自2006年起设立上海市外国留学生政府奖学金(以下简称“奖学金”),用于资助外国优秀学生到上海留学。 一、奖学金类别和内容. 上海市外国留学生政府奖学金分为A、B两类。 A类奖学金(全额奖学金):包含相应学制期间的学费、住宿费、生活费和综合医疗保险费,适用于本科、硕士、博士和本科预科阶段学习。 B类奖学金(部分奖学金):包含相应学制期间的学费和综合医疗保险费,适用于本科、硕士和博士阶段学习。 具体资助标准见附件1。 二、申请条件. 1、申请人须为外国国籍,身体健康。 2、申请人的学历和年龄要求:

  6. On this semester-long program, immerse yourself in the city’s eclectic cultural experiences and improve your Chinese language skills while studying international business in Shanghai.

  7. Study abroad in Shanghai with CET. Take electives in English, intern, and learn Chinese. Live with a local roommate in downtown Shanghai.

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