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  1. Learn about the history, legality and practice of declaring war between states. Find out which countries have declared war since 1945 and how international law has changed over time.

  2. A declaration of war is a formal declaration issued by a national government indicating that a state of war exists between that nation and another. A document by the Federation of American Scientists gives an extensive listing and summary of statutes which are automatically engaged upon the United States declaring war.

  3. Wypowiedzenie wojny (deklaracja wojny, ang. declaration of war, niem. Kriegserklärung, ros. объявление войны) – formalny akt, przez który jedno państwo wypowiada wojnę drugiemu. Może być to performatywny akt słowny lub podpisanie dokumentu przez upoważnionego przedstawiciela rządu.

  4. Learn about the 11 occasions when Congress declared war in U.S. history, from 1812 to 1942. See the dates, votes and effects of each declaration of war, and how Congress has changed its role in military policy since then.

  5. The most common meaning of “to declare war” is to issue a formal statement called a Declaration of War that announces the new hostile relationship. Modern hostilities typically do not begin with such a statement.

  6. A timeline of formal acts by which one nation went to war against another during World War II. Includes dates, initiator and targeted nations, type of declaration, and notes on diplomatic history and events.

  7. A historical and legal analysis of the practice and significance of declaring war in international relations. The article examines the origin, evolution, and current status of the declaration of war, as well as its role in the community of nations.

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