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  1. › wp-content › uploadsDebate Training Guide

    Training debaters is a continual process. There is not enough time to adequately prepare students for everything they need to know in debate. Therefore, this guide is to help you understand the most important features students need to understand to get started in debate.

  2. RESOURCE 13. Debate Skill Drills and Warm-Ups. In full-fledged formats, debate can be overwhelming if you have not yet built up your spontaneous speaking and argumentation skills. Drills and warm-ups can help you keep sharp and focus on specific debate-related skills.

  3. • Understand the concept of debate, its purposes, and benefits • Learn the different types of debate and the key terms used in the YMV programme • Familiarize themselves with the most common debate formats 2. Introduction A debate is a formal discussion on a particular matter in a public event, a legislative assembly, or simply in a

  4. • Understand the concept of debate, its purposes, and benefits • Learn the different types of debate and the key terms used in the YMV programme • Familiarize themselves with the most common debate formats 2. Introduction A debate is a formal discussion on a particular matter in a public event, a legislative assembly, or simply in a

  5. The skills of debate are formally broken down into three categories and scores are assigned on the basis of these categories: Matter (40%) – the logic and relevance of your arguments. Manner (40%) – the style with which you present yourself. Method (20%) – the structure and clarity of your speech.

  6. › wp-content › uploadsDEBATE 101

    Chapter 1. Debate Tournaments. C ompetitive High School Debate involves preparing for, and attending Tourna-ments, where you will debate against teams from other schools about the merits of a National High School Debate Resolution. This year, the Resolution is: Resolved: The United States federal government should substantially increase its.

  7. Step 1: Analyze the type of proposition you are debating. Claims are the starting point of argument. Different Types of Claims entail different obligations and require different types of support. Compare “You should believe X” to “Everyone believes X.”.

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