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  1. The Cloudflare CDN is a content delivery network with enterprise-grade speed and reliability. Learn why IDC named us a leader in the latest Marketscape.

  2. Usługa CDN to sieć dostarczania zawartości o wysokiej szybkości i niezawodności. Jesteśmy liderem w badaniu IDC. Wypróbuj darmowy CDN z Cloudflare.

  3. 5 lis 2017 · Cloudflare to usługodawca dostarczającym CDN – Content Deliver Network oraz zarządzanie serwerami DNS – Domain Network Server. Firma powstała w roku 2009 w San Franciso, a założycielami są Matthew Prince, Lee Holloway i Michaelle Zatlyn. Posiada 46 data-center na całym świecie.

  4. A content delivery network (CDN) is a geographically distributed group of servers that caches content close to end users. A CDN allows for the quick transfer of assets needed for loading Internet content, including HTML pages, JavaScript files, stylesheets, images, and videos.

  5. How Cloudflare CDN can significantly improve the delivery of content to your customers. How anycast IP routing is important in ensuring reliable CDN performance. The range of tiered caching options and how to choose the one for your needs. Traditional challenges deploying web applications.

  6. The Cloudflare global network runs every service in every data center so your users have a consistent experience everywhere — whether they are in Chicago or Cape Town. This means all customer traffic is processed at the data center closest to its source, with no backhauling or performance tradeoffs.

  7. The Cloudflare global network ↗ can improve the security, performance, reliability, and privacy of anything connected to the Internet, such as your website, SaaS application, or corporate network.

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