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Learn about the California quail, a small ground-dwelling bird with a curving crest, plume or topknot. Find out its taxonomy, subspecies, behavior, breeding, state bird status and conservation status.
Learn about the plump, short-legged game bird with a comma-shaped crest and scaled belly. Find out where to see California Quail in the West, how they live in coveys, and what they sound like.
Learn about the California Quail, the state bird of California and a common resident of brushy areas. Find out how to identify, attract, and protect this bird with protozoans, plumes, and antiphonal calls.
Learn about the California quail, a plump, short-tailed bird with a distinctive head plume. Find out how to identify it, where it lives, and how it differs from the Gambel's quail.
Learn about the California Quail, a common and adaptable bird with a curving topknot, white stripes, and a distinctive call. Find out its range, habitat, behavior, diet, nesting, and conservation status.
Learn about California Quail, a small and rotund bird with teardrop-shaped plumes on its head. Find out how to distinguish it from Gambel's Quail, where it lives, and what it sounds like.
Przepiór kalifornijski (Callipepla californica) – gatunek średniej wielkości ptaka z rodziny przepiórowatych (Odontophoridae). Występuje od stanu Oregon (północno-zachodnie USA) do północno-zachodniego Meksyku. Został również wprowadzony na obszary stanów: Waszyngton, Utah, Arizona, Nowy Meksyk, gdzie dobrze się zaaklimatyzował.