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Read hundreds of bridge bidding conventions used in contract bridge. Blackwood, limit raises, and more exotic bids are explained in detail.
- Maximal Double
In contract bridge, a maximal double is a type of...
- Lebensohl
As above, bidding 3NT denies four cards in the unbid major...
- Ogust
Ogust is a conventional 2NT response to a weak two bid or...
- Responsive Double
In their excellent book "Modern Bridge Conventions", Bill...
- Strong Jump Shifts
A strong jump shift is a response to an opening bid of 1, 1,...
- Minor Suit Transfers
In contract bridge, Minor Suit Transfers are a convention...
- Reverse Bids
Here, your 2 bid is natural (4+ cards) and forcing for one...
- Gambling 3NT
South dealt and opened 3NT, which was passed out. Sitting...
- Maximal Double
Opener rebids 2NT with no four-card or longer minor suit, rebids 3 or 3 with one four-card minor suit, and rebids the longer major — 3 or 3 — with four cards in both minor suits. The 2 response can also be used when responder holds a five-card or longer minor suit and is interested in slam.
A. Play. Ace from Ace King - A popular opening-lead agreement to show partner holding of at least Ace, King, and another card in a given suit. Bidding.
There are many contract bridge bidding conventions. Most players only use a few. The Bridge Burglar's guide explains the ones most commonly used.
When it comes to modern bidding, everyone plays a role: opener, responder, intervener the takeout doubler or overcaller , and advancer the partner of the intervener. Lets take a look at each in turn.
The table below gives a summary of opening bids: The dreaded 4441 split. If you have a 4441 split and opening points you should bid the middle suit of your four-card suits if the singleton is a spade or a club. For the other two suits bid the suit below the singleton.
But for what it is worth, here’s my opinion on what conventions you need to know. These have been assumed to be part of the 2/1 system: Jacoby 2NT, Gerber (at least as jump bids over 1N or 2N); Blackwood, Stayman, Major Transfers (a.k.a. Jacoby transfers), Minor Relay, Negative Doubles,