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Założona w 1900 roku Audencia Business School jest jedną z najlepszych szkół zarządzania w Europie. Międzynarodowe akredytacje EQUIS, AACSB i AMBA dodane do pozytywnej oceny AERES (francuskiej agencji oceniającej badania naukowe i szkolnictwo wyższe) podkreślają zaangażowanie w doskonalenie nauczania.
Audencia – europejska szkoła biznesowa w mieście Nantes. Założona w 1900 roku, jest jedną z najstarszych szkół biznesowych na świecie. We Francji posiada status grande école. W 2015 roku Audencia uplasowała się na 65. miejscu pośród wszystkich szkół biznesowych na świecie.
Audencia Business School is a French grande école and business school located in Nantes, France. The school enrolls 6,100 students from almost 90 countries on bachelors, international masters, specialised masters, MBAs, doctorates and executive education courses.
A pioneer in many fields, over the years Audencia has defined the new trends in French and international business schools: mandatory semester abroad, general cultural courses, the integration of CSR in all programs... and, more recently, the cross-fertilization of skills.
Founded in 1900, Audencia is a consular institution of higher education of excellence present in France and internationally, developing several families of programs of initial and continuing education, from Bachelor's to Doctorate. Audencia redefines the contours of THE Business School.
Founded in 1900, Audencia is one of Europe's leading business schools. Audencia is one of a select group of institutions that have received the prestigious triple accreditation of EQUIS, AACSB and AMBA, which attests to the quality of the education offered.
At Audencia, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is at the heart of research, programmes and operations. Audencia is the first French business school to adhere to the UN’s Global Compact and sign the UN’s Principles for Responsible Management Education.