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21 sty 2022 · The ActiveCell property returns a Range object that represents the cell that is active. You can apply any of the properties or methods of a Range object to the active cell, as in the following example.
Learn how to use the ActiveCell property in VBA to refer to the active cell in Excel. See examples of how to activate, clear, get value, set, move, and select a range from the active cell.
29 mar 2022 · Learn how to use the ActiveCell property in Excel VBA to return a Range object that represents the active cell in the active window or in the specified window. See syntax, remarks, and examples of how to change the font formatting of the active cell.
Przewodnik po VBA Active Cell. Tutaj omawialiśmy, jak używać VBA Active Cell do przypisania wartości lub pobrania adresu aktywnej komórki w Excelu.
Learn how to use the active cell in Excel VBA to get information, perform actions, format, and offset from it. See code examples and explanations of properties and methods of the active cell.
13 kwi 2022 · Learn how to set, get and use the ActiveCell property in VBA with examples and code snippets. The ActiveCell property returns the address of the cell that is selected in your worksheet.
21 sty 2022 · Use the Activate method to activate a cell within a selection. There can be only one active cell, even when a range of cells is selected. The following procedure selects a range and then activates a cell within the range without changing the selection. Worksheets("Sheet1").Activate . Range("A1:D4").Select . Range("B2").Activate . End Sub.