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The only way to view someone's profile is through Yahoo Instant Messenger. Yahoo automatically creates a profile page for each new user who sets up an account with the online portal. Users can display their name, age, location and other details on a Yahoo profile.
For Vista and Windows 7. According to this page, the history is stored here: C:\Users\<windows_usrnme>\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files\Yahoo!\Messenger\Profiles\<yahoo_username>.
Yahoo! Messenger (sometimes abbreviated Y!M) was an advertisement-supported instant messaging client and associated protocol provided by Yahoo!. Yahoo! Messenger was provided free of charge and could be downloaded and used with a generic "Yahoo ID" which also allowed access to other Yahoo! services, such as Yahoo! Mail.
Looking for a way to stay on top of the weather, your stock portfolio, or fantasy sports league? Customize your Yahoo Member Profile so you can easily access the info you want all in one place.
Nie będziesz w stanie znaleźć osób na Yahoo Messenger, jeśli nie mają one konta Yahoo. Możesz jednak rozmawiać z ludźmi za pomocą programu Windows Live Messenger, Reuters Messaging i Lotus Sametime za pośrednictwem komunikatora Yahoo.
Attempt to log into your Yahoo Messenger using the username and password that you associate with the old contact list you are trying to find. If you can log in, you will be able to see the list. If you cannot log in, you will need to contact Yahoo customer service to find the old list.
Spotykaj się w dowolnym miejscu i czasie — Messenger sprawia, że pozostawanie w kontakcie z ulubionymi osobami jest łatwe i zabawne.